I was extremely surprised when someone says that they do not like their bodies and regard themselves as ugly and fat persons, and they can handle this problem with vomiting. Moreover, they reveal to be very well and find their proper way and happiness as well now.

I am afraid that these persons are walking the wrong way now and they have been beginning to build an alternatív world where they start to explain themselves their wrong-headed decisions and they do not want to or can not face their menthal problems.
I think we should aware of our facilities, strengths, and weaknesses realistically.

As I can see, our bodies are as important as our minds and we should take care of them. All of them have token body failures, but we should learn to accept and live together with them. And if we want to change our shapes we will seek after activities and choose proper diets, which help us to achieve our goals. We do not have to be professional athletes, it is enough if we find a movement, which fits our behaviour and supports us to change our bodies.

I learnt during my life that my body is extremely greatful if I deal with it appropriately. It will be able to stimulate our minds and souls because they link to our bodies and all of them frame our beings entirely.

So, if we want to entire alteration in our bodies, we should change our thinking of ways. We ought to find a well-balanced diet, which supports our physical needs and full of require nutritiens. And if we achieve it we should look for an activity that involves many joys for us.

But, it is very important, if we feel that our new passions and eating habits will not be able to support our aims, we need to look for an expert who can help us to reinstate our menthal healths.
All in all, our bodies are cathedrals and we ought to take care about it because it serves us and our well-balanced life during our lifetime.

Andres Ayrton fotója a Pexels oldaláról